With the Coronavirus outbreak growing more serious by the day we are continually monitoring the Government guidelines and following the advice given.
The safety of our staff, clients, associates and intermediaries is of the utmost importance and in line with Government advice we are taking the sensible approach of limiting our travel and face-to-face meetings until further notice. We are also putting in contingencies to work from home as the virus peaks, as we believe it is best practice and in everyone’s interest to follow all the advice given to aid the slow down and containment of the pandemic.
It will still be very much business as usual at Meridian, and thanks to technology, whilst we may not be able to meet with you personally, we will still be able to work alongside you and provide the same level of service and support that we have always done.
We are all facing extremely uncertain times and the impact of this virus will affect each and every one of us in some form. We have no idea how long this will continue, and we ourselves are planning our strategies for both the short term and long term. If you have any questions or concerns, or wish to discuss your own business strategies, please do call us.