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Farewell Antonia Roberts

A sad farewell to Antonia Roberts, who finished her secondment with Meridian Corporate Finance last Friday.

Antonia was Meridian’s 28th secondee since the launch of the programme back in 2008, and our first secondee from law firm Moore Barlow, and what a great addition to the Meridian Team she has been!

Antonia very quickly fell into our team dynamic and hit the ground running. Not only was she eager to learn from the corporate finance side of the table, she was also a great mentor and contributed massively, imparting her wisdom and experience, complementing our skill sets as a team.

Her tenacity and ‘can do’ attitude were infectious and she certainly made a long lasting impression on both the Meridian Team and our clients.

Antonia, you have been an incredible asset to Meridian, and you are already very much missed. We have no doubt that you will excel within your legal career and we are excited to follow your journey in the corporate team at Moore Barlow, as well as collaborating with you on the other side of the table!

Kelly Cheales • March 8, 2024
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